HEXA Taco Seasoning

HEXA Taco Seasoning

HEXA Taco seasoning

Tacos are a staple in Mexican food that provides vital nutrients and energy to those who consumed it. A taco can be made with a variety of fillings such as beef, pork, chicken, vegetables, and cheese; allowing for great versatility and variety. They are often garnished with various condiments and vegetables, such as cabbage, onion, tomatoes, cucumber slides and chilies.


Tacos are easy enough to make at home with Taco Seasonings from HEXA and make you feel like you’re eating at a Mexican restaurant. An experience that starts with sizzling, juicy yet tender proteins mixed in various spices and garnishes wrapped in a soft or crunchy tortilla.

The base of this taco seasoning is a mix of chili flakes, authentic Mexican chili, cumin, garlic and onion powders, sugar, and salt, as well as two additional ingredients that may surprise you.

What are you waiting for, get this product at our e-stores!

  • Shopee: click “here
  • Lazada: click “here
  • eBaza: click “here” 



HEXA Taco Recipe



Ingredients used:

  1. Onion – 170g
  2. Tomato Puree – 130g
  3. Ground beef/ Minced chicken – 300g
  4. Tortilla wrap – 2-3 pieces
  5. HEXA Taco seasonings – 30g
  6. Tomatoes (Garnish) – few slices
  7. Cabbage (Garnish)


Cooking Instructions:

  1. Heat up oil and stir fry the chopped onion until they turn soft.
  2. Add in ground beef / minced chicken and stirring until thoroughly cooked.
  3. Add in HEXA Taco Seasonings and mix them well.
  4. Add in diced tomatoes and tomato puree then cook for few minutes until well blended.
  5. Blanch sliced cabbage and set aside. (optional)
  6. Heat up tortilla wrap for 30 seconds.
  7. Place the well combined fillings on tortilla wrap.
  8. Add on sliced cabbage and tomatoes then fold over.
  9. Enjoy ur delicious taco